Spotlight on Women Leaders: Sanghamithra Penesetti, Founder and CEO, goZeal
In this inspiring interview, Sanghamithra Penesetti, Founder and CEO of goZeal, discusses her company’s mission to revolutionise data science and analytics by providing these services while actively addressing the gender gaps in tech and insurance. She shares how goZeal focuses on hiring diverse women, especially from minority backgrounds, and offers mums the flexibility to balance work and life. By collaborating with companies to handle their data needs, goZeal creates opportunities for women to work autonomously, bringing fresh talent and perspectives to the insurance industry and beyond.
Sanghamithra reflects on her journey as a successful female entrepreneur, detailing the personal inspiration behind goZeal and her drive to create meaningful change in STEM fields. She underscores the importance of diverse and inclusive workplaces in fostering innovation and resilience and offers her insights on empowering women to break barriers and thrive in technology-driven industries.